A picture at the trailhead before we start.
As we set off, the trail was wide and heading down hill, which meant uphill for the final push on the way back.
Lots of healthy saguaros - a nice thing to see.
The trail was eroded in some places but it was wide enough to still be easy under foot.
Panoramic #1
Panoramic #2
Hard to imagine this rock was washed down stream to this point sometime in the past.
Looking back at everyone coming up the trail.
A nice shot of the valley behind us.
A pool created from recent rains.
Close Up
Continuing up the trail.
Here we are in Garden Valley.
Turns out it is a garden of cholla cactus.
Sharon in the garden.
A nice area to camp if we come back this way.
Perfect for a two person tent.
Snail Rock
Heading back.
Crossing a stream...cairn in the corner.
Making the climb out of the stream bed.
Savannah & Sabrina out front.
Taking a break.